Milton, The day of the Illuminati is here. Take cover. And keep the faith...ks

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Covered by the Blood of the Lamb!

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Wow. 1 year later. We are still working on re-publishing all of our old broken bible code essays of the last 20 years. Was not aware of how many their were, many hidden several pages back from our old home pages. Many i actually forgot writing! As much of our most important broken codes were deciphered & written in the early morning hours just after waking.... similar to Jonathan Cahn's amazing work that we somehow parallel.

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Wonderful! our 15+ year old research websites at Godtype.com, CoverArt.com and Supernatural research.com have been static for over 3 years due to hacks and database issues. We will be migrating ALL of our most pertinent discoveries and research essays from all our websites here at godtype.substack.com over the coming months..... A projected completion date of December 31, 2022, please subscribe for FREE.... All content will be available for Free, Paywall is only for those with means or want to help support us.

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