Biden's "Red Sermon" Decoded..... Welcoming Moloch to America.
The Artistic Direction and Inspiration of Biden's Red Sermon discovered

From the very first instance, myself and others who watched, listened to, or had simply seen these Images of Joe Biden at the “Red Sermon”. We all somehow subconsciously understood the artistic intent. It was Evil. It was Satanic. The stagecraft was purposefully choreographed. It was representative of…. MOLOCH.
Though I personally was yet to fully understand how the imagery represented Moloch, My Spirit simply kept shouting……
So it is interesting, that for the first time in 3 years of taking a hiatus from 17 years of writing, “late night”radio interviews, illustrating & publishing one of the earliest Judeo-Christian apologetic web sites. That the researcher who publishes both and had his two well seperated writing worlds - one Secular Art, one Theological - impossibly collide with one of the most viral essays of 10 years earlier. Our impossible imagery & Biblical understandings behind the Supertramp 911 breakfast in America Cover Art back in 2011. Twelve years later, my two worlds collide once more! on of all days - 9/11/2022? As I heard the subtle prompting from the Holy Spirit in the early morning hours…..
Like all of our work….. (similar to Jonathan Cahn) The initial research was discovered exactly where we knew to look for it - Just after waking, I simply understood… It was PURPOSEFULL. My task was simple…. Find the Art work that was either consciously or subconsciously used by the Spirit to compose the well staged event. Our illustrative research is complete by the end of day!
The Great Harlot of Revelation 17, She’s a Super Tramp (Illustration from our most viral “Cover Art” research essay from years ago) Research Essay Link Here

We Discovered in [Part 2-5] of our Supertramp. 911 research 12 years ago (Wayback Archive Link) that these Events are Commemorations….. often Commemorating Events 360 days in Advance?
The above Image on the Left is an unretouched photo that went viral through-out National & World media after Bidens ruthless, gaslighting & vial sermon dividing all Americans with a hatred I had never witnessed from a president in my lifetime. This image and the content of the sermon is very important - these are what imprinted onto a collective humanity on that day (~Present~).The complete Image (Pattern). the Perspective. the Proportions. the Colors. the Archetypes These artistic descriptions were what was subconsiously “felt” and understood by collective humanity through out the world. A world divided - Where those of us who know the Lord have been gifted the ability to see through the eyes of Love….
It is Love that shows us this stagecrafts true ugliness. And yet, to my bewilderedness there are so many that do not see this uglineness? Their souls seem to be empty? Still waiting to be filled by God's set apart and Holy spirit from above.
The Image above on the right was first posted by the music group by the name of Moloch on their official website over 6 months prior to the “Red Sermon”.
The similarities are impossible… The monsters teeth above his Head? The two soldiers representing war/death at his feet? The three levels? The podium? The Satanic lighting? Etc. Etc..
Research shows us that It was one of two commissioned art pieces created to be used as Cover Art by an obscure band….This artwork is actually the alternative image, much darker and more sinister than the one chosen by the band to represent them.
Much brighter and illustrated with greater contrast - It was truly just as sinister with a more modern graphic representing Cthulu as a simple large Cephalopod beast with the childishly overused upside down cross. A simpler high contrasting image that lends itself better for silkscreening t-shirts and concert posters.
Research though shows us that Lovecrafts true poetic descriptions of Cthulu describe him just as represented on the original artwork - with the upper body of a man atop a grotesque beast. Represented in front of an entrance to the fiery furnace of Moloch. A God that deemands Child sacrifice.
Is that not what most of Biden's speeches represent? Abortion being the Democrats final national issue to run on? Deadly Vaccinations now being given for no rational reason to children?
The original priest of Moloch…… with CThulu, the Demonic Destroyer influenced by the occult writings of HP Lovecraft. Yet, the Hijacked fallen spirit of earth ultimately found good use for this rejected artwork, created for an appropriately named music band

It is no coincidence that collective humanity has chosen to call this vile event “The Red Sermon”. Why not the red speech? But, Somehow humanity supernaturaly understands…. Biden is an illegitimate president fulfilling his true role of “High Priest”. The high priest of Moloch.
Beloved - if you have time, please consider listening to our last two radio interviews which combined, teach and explain the simplicity of the Godtype patterns and codes.
13 Levels of Artistic Correlations
Lighting and color
Horizontal proportion
Vertical Proportion'
Exact Placement of 2 Marines (war) upon imagery of skulls (Death)
Shape of Podium against Red background and its shadows parallel the background layout in 7 distinct levels.
Exact Placement of the Priest of Moloch
Exact Placement of Podiums shadow upon structure behind
Death and Sculls always represent War - represent military
High Window lights (brighter in other images) look like teeth just above the high priests CTHULU (Bidens) Head
Speech content correlates with the Ideals of Moloch. Abortion. Death Jab. Human Smuggling. Civil War.
Many Analyst, not just myself referred to this Red Sermon as representing Moloch long before this Discovery. Including Steve Bannon & Naomi Wolf.
The Band name who commissioned the artwork…… is named Moloch
My thesis of 20+ years, I've researched and documented at - that the Music Industries commissioned cover art pieces are often used as a supernatural occult commemoration…. often 360 exact days prior to a event.
Post Note 10/12/22 - MUST WATCH VIDEO - Click Video Below
As the long time publisher of & for 20+ years, my thesis has been simple…… Creative Artists of these influential illustrative “Covers” both predict and sway the future. They do this through the manipulation of the human subconscious - through the power of one of two competing spirits on earth that we must all contend with. The neutral, yet fallen ancient spirit of earth…. or Almighty God’s “Set Apart” Spirit….. A remnant from Heaven Above - The Spirit unleashed by Yeshua at Pentecost…. The Holy Spirit which works through the Indwelling of God’s people.
Essay Verse. Matt 10:25-32
25It is enough for the disciple that he may become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the head of the house [u]Beelzebul, how much more will they insult the members of his household!
26“So do not fear them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. 27What I tell you in the darkness, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim on the housetops. 28And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in [v]hell. 29Are two sparrows not sold for an [w]assarion? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30But even the hairs of your head are all counted. 31So do not fear; you are more valuable than a great number of sparrows.
Learn the Dozens of Godtype Time Codes in our last radio Interview linked below.
Chicken or the Egg? Does the Artist see the future? or does Biden’s Art director and event choreographer get influenced by his favorite demonic rock band.
05/28/2023 Memorial Day Newsletter publishing post note. Welcome! This research essay from 9/12/22. was our first ever post here on Substack. I “woke up to it” on 9/11 and it spurred me to write and develop our new home here on substack after a 3 year writing Hiatus from our many earthly “compromised” websites. I had only one subscriber…. Myself! and yet it has organically brought in 25% of our 300+ subscribers in just 6 months… that means 200+ of our subscribers quite possibly have yet to “see” and read it? and for those who did read it, please see that 75% of our readers arrived here due to dozens of other impossible codes we have broken! Beloved, We also have made an IMPORTANT DECISION to keep emails to once per month at a maximum…. While using Substacks new NOTES FEATURE to publish new research essays! (I hate having my email inundated with too many emails, I know your time is precious!)
We will also be publishing a yearly hard copy printed Journal at the end of each year which will be shipped for free for those who can afford to support us with a yearly subscription.
An additional Thank you to all our military readers on this honored day …. YOUR TIME IS NOW.
Milton Thomas (X) Fleitas
Milton, The day of the Illuminati is here. Take cover. And keep the faith...ks
Wow. 1 year later. We are still working on re-publishing all of our old broken bible code essays of the last 20 years. Was not aware of how many their were, many hidden several pages back from our old home pages. Many i actually forgot writing! As much of our most important broken codes were deciphered & written in the early morning hours just after waking.... similar to Jonathan Cahn's amazing work that we somehow parallel.