Downriver: The Supernatural Meaning of Miami. Crossing the Jordan on dry land
Donald J Trump - The Supernatural meaning of Miami - Joshua and the Promissed Land
Downriver: Crossing the Jordan on dry land
What a strange day yesterday... The entire world focused on Miami?
Let us study the meaning of "Miami". A uniquely indigenous American native word meaning "downstream" or "downriver".
DOWNSTREAM is used in the bible only twice (REASON we need TO PAY ATTENTION) in Joshua. Joshua is The Hebrew patriarch who completed the 40 year journey out of Egypt and led his people across the Jordan and into the promissed land (Canaan)
“The Water flowing downstream will stand up in mass” [Flowing waters generally represent the Holy Spirit's indwelling of God's people]
Since the Covid Omicron days, we’ve been writing of the parallels between the Hebrews plight out of Egypt & God fearing patriots today..... Omicron is the Greek designation of the #15. [Research shows Omicron is actually the 10th true designated Variant] The number 15 has a common theme throughout scriptures. REST THAT COMES AFTER DELIVERENCE! (See video of Bill Gates at end of footnotes explaining how Omicron ENDED Covid)
The coincidence [Providence] that Omicron is the 15th and final designated variant of Covid which actually began to free us from this 40 month journey into the Covid19 wilderness. IS THIS 40 month journey JUST A COINCIDENCE?
40 months ×30 days =1200
June 13, 2023 Trump Araignment in Miami. (Downriver) Representing the crossing of the Jordan
March 1st, 2020 1st Reported American Covid 19 Death (Passover) Representing the final Plague as the Hebrews Depart “the world” on their trek to Jerusalem.
Omicron provided all those who refused the demonic pharmacia of the mRNA experiment with true God given immunity that litterally ended the “worlds” plandemic. Can these coincidences represent the 3600 year old repeating patterns hidden within the scriptures in What Hebrew scholars call “Peshers”?
“Peshers are true history, yet they are Hyperbolic in their telling - allowing us to recognise the repeating patterns that cyclicaly flow across time as we understand”
The Spirit of God / Yeshua that can indwell all God's people no matter our religion, no matter what Church we attend will pour out for a final season we've been calling “The great Awakening”
*See Joel 2:18-32 at end of post.
One simply needs to make a choice… And cross the Jordan to enter the promissed land. Yet there is a subtle choice….on either the left or right side of the Ark which is being supported by our warrior priests at the center of our Jordan crossing.
We've been writing for years on ..... The Spirit is bifurcated on earth. The neutral Ruach HaKodesh 33.3% of our fallen earth & the 8.33% [1in12] Holy Spirit from above. Deployed at Pentecost by the Lord himself.
Since the fall, the Spirit is generally referred to as FLOWING WATERS? (The reason John the baptist baptised Jesus & the faithfull 1520 years later at the exact spot of the Flowing Jordan River) Hmmm.
We are told in Joshua that the waters flowing downstream (MIAMI) will STAND UP IN MASS! That that giant mass of water [God's people filled with the Holy Spirit] will extend all the way to [Adam / Zerathan]. i.e. (A to Z) i.e. to the [opposite ends].... of the world?"
Hmmm. Am i over reaching?
Adam = The first Human
Zerathan = The Great Rock = Yeshua/Jesus = The Last Adam!
The priests (spiritual leaders) are the first to step into the river… They stand in the midst of the Jordan while carrying the Ark, allowing all the Hebrews to cross over safely on dry land.
Though all enter the Land, a choice of crossing on either the right or left side of the ark/priests is a hebraic theme through out history.
The Waters upstream (representing the [Corrupted] fallen spirit/ world they left behind) is purposefully & COMPLETELY separated from the massive "Holy" waters DOWNRIVER, being “increased” daily by God.. Paradoxically this amassing of water is being filled by what? Yep. It is being amassed from the previously corrupted spirit upstream!
(the word HOLY simply means "set apart”)
Beloved, it is time NOW to take action… To turn the Holy Spirits Potential Energy. And convert it to Physical energy to SAVE AMERICA at this very moment.
Godtype patterns. The Holy Spirit indwells us all, yet it seems to be represented initially by the iNtuitive rational and idealist temperements. Though these personalities represent 50% of temperements on earth they are only 25% of the population, outnumbered 3 to 1 - 75%/25%. These outnumbered folks often perform the roles of the church's warrior priests & pastors.... Physically responsible for keeping us safe from the fallen world we all left behind.... While simultaneously spiritually preparing us for the future mariage to the bridegroom. These are the initial “white hats” we have spoken above who have begun to rise within churches, government and military - which will lead ALL the the people overcome the fear, hate & despair that has been brought on by the fallen system (Spirit) on earth.
As a Cuban American, How wonderful it was to see Trumps visit to the Versailles restaurant…. (Where my parents would take me as a child to enjoy their “Clasic” cuban sandwiches) and watch Donald Trump LIVE on CNN celebrate his birthday (which falls on Flag day) among so many joyous people.
This CNN video shows how the spirit of God was visibly active / Amassed among that crowd!
Contrast this to the CNN hosts who cut off the video feeds.... their downtrodden faces actually brought a big smile to my own.... This video clip was and will be eventually seen by millions! Giving everyone a clear picture of Joy over Despair, Love over Hate, Knowledge over Fear.
Interesting. These Joshua stories of him burning the two cities of HaZor and AI to ground and wiping them out completely had me reject my Bible as a young boy. Hmmm.
Think about the headlines at this moment of the two most important issues in front of us?
The corrupt court system (Hazor)
The rise of Artificial Inteligence (AI)
It always bothered me that God had Joshua burn down and completely wipe out the first two cities after Jericho's walls fell.... HaZOR and AI.
HaZor meaning = Court (judicial)
AI Meaning = ?Should we take it at face value?
* Ha is a hebrew prefix "the".... Zor perfectly describes our corrupt court system today.
Do not these two cities (of the 12 which Joshua conquered) names that God commanded to be completely whiped out REPRESENT our (Americas) two most difficult foes at this moment? But how will we defeat them?
God will first bring down the WALLS OF Demonic PROTECTION!
On January 6th 2020, this writer was contacted by a wonderful woman leading a group of Christians in Washington DC who were physically circling the Capital building… praying and blowing their horns! Thanking me for for a recent godtype essay that had somehow reached them. They were all sharing among themselves this pattern essay showing the parallels of our curent American battle corresponding with Joshua and the Hebrews…. She just wanted to let me know it gave them hope & strength.
You see, the first city to be taken down prior to AI & Hazor was Jericho…. Home of the elites. Home of the equivalence of Americas beuracratic deep state. It wasn't Joshua’s army that brought down the walls…. It was God that brought down these walls!
Through the faithfullness of a harlot by the name of Rahab. Rahab the QUINTESSENTIAL representation of a WHISTLE-BLOWER living within the protected walls of the deep state, yet she fully understood which side God was about to give victory to….
Several Bible stories involve the Jordan River within the scriptures as part of Gods divine plan. It often refers to a freedom that comes after a long season of adversity and waiting.
Crossing the Jordan is a turning point on the way to freedom. The waters of the Jordan represent freedom from oppression, breakthrough, and deliverance.
In each case, it was important for God's people to listen to God's calling and stand on the right side of the river.
In Deuteronomy 30:18-20, the Israelites were reaching the last leg of their journey through the wilderness en route to the promised land. On the way they endured hunger and loss during what seemed to be a never-ending journey. But in this moment it was coming to a conclusion. Then, the Lord instructed them to choose a good path, saying these words:
“I declare to you today that you shall surely perish. You will not prolong your days in the land where you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess it. I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live…”
All isrealites crossed the Jordan on dry land…. Yet it was a decision upon which side to enter…. Heaven? or Earth? Upstream or downstream? Past or Future? An amazingly clear biblical passage showing the bufurcated spirit we have written about for 20+ years!
The spirit on earth. (Usurped by a mighty angel) 33.3%
The more subtle set apart Holy Spirit above. 8.33% (1in12) the left hand of God!
“As the first city to fall in the conquest of Canaan, the whole of it was devoted to the Lord (Joshua 6:17). The people of Israel were to take no spoils of war; Joshua gave a clear command that “all the silver and gold and the articles of bronze and iron are sacred to the Lord and must go into his treasury” (verse 19). In this way, Jericho was a “tithe” to the Lord who gave them the victory. God’s people were to honor Him with the firstfruits of the conquest. Achan violated this order and brought ruin on himself and his family.”
Though surely just a coincidence, and just for fun! VERSAILLES' etymological meaning is "to turn something over and over and over" i.e. a farmer who tills his soil season after season, a repetitive cycle of starting life anew.... Versailles historical use in our modern times is generally as the LOCATION at which peace was finally agreed to by two opposing sides after a terrible world war. Hmmm.
I need to postulate once more, and make a bet.... that this final battle and major conflict of the spirit being played out in miami across the street.... Will likely not be solved in the courts, but instead, over a lunch of pastellitos and a cup of Cuban coffee.... by the opposing parties getting together..... Down River.... at the Versailles.
Postnote Discovery:
Miami is the most South East pont (City) in America!
The South/East is a "begining point" where God promised us to begin to establish His Pasture lands outside of Jerusalem. [Numbers 35:5]
Research Essay Bible Verse
.* Joel 2:18-32
Joe 2:18-24 Then the LORD will be jealous for his land and take pity on his people. (19) The LORD will reply to them: "I am sending you grain, new wine and oil, enough to satisfy you fully; never again will I make you an object of scorn to the nations. (20) I will drive the northern army far from you,.. (23) Be glad, O people of Zion, rejoice in the LORD your God, for he has given you the autumn rains in righteousness. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. (24) The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.
Joe 2:25-32 I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten-- the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm-- my great army that I sent among you. (26) You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the LORD your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed. (27) Then you will know that I am in Israel, that I am the LORD your God, and that there is no other; never again will my people be shamed. (28) And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. (29) Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. (30) I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. (31) The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. (32) And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the LORD has said, among the survivors whom the LORD calls.
Imprtant Biblical Pesher Code we broke dealing with the Courts below.