The 7000 Prophets of Elijah. 1st Kings 19:18 A Pesher that just took place as 7000 Uprooted Biblical Court Cases have been given new Life by the Supreme Court.
The Biblical Peshers of 1st Kings dealing with Elijah and the prophets of Baal are fullfilling daily as we do battle with the Satanic forces and Great Delusion that has overtaken so many in America.
As usual, this is a live working essay Warts and all!. Completion projected for January 22, 2023. Any comments, wisdom and general corrections welcome from our subscribers as the Holy Spirit works through God's people.
The SCOTUS Lemon Test was basicly upended in a Supreme court case a few months back. It is a case that its importance to American Freedom has not been properly reported by the national media…. On the Left or the right! It was a Supreme Court win opening the door again for religous Liberty. [Kennedy vs Bremerton School District]
Legal Analysts claim there were 7000 cases that Christians and other religous institutions LOST that now have been upended for rightousness.. by chance i have been writing a substack (link comments) touching upon Peshers in 1st Kings. Thanks to a letter from Biblical researcher Carlton Hobbs. Peshers are true biblical stories, yet they are hyperbolic and embelished history because they represent prophetic repeating patterns that move forward in time!
Following the showdown with the prophets of Baal, Elijah was forced to flee from Jezebel (1 Kings 19:1-3). He had just participated in a great victory for the cause of the Lord, but because of the opposition he was facing he prayed for the Lord to take his life (1 Kings 19:4). He explained to God why he felt the way that he did:
“I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away” (1 Kings 19:10).
Did not every God Fearing Christian and Moral person in America feel FORSAKEN over the last 50 years as the Courts systematically destroyed our Religous Liberties in the 7000 cases due to the Lemon Test?
Did not every one of these 7000 cases, up untill Kennedy vs Bremerton back in July (exactly 50 years since Lemon vs Kurtzman) display the singular NAME of a God fearing plaintiff battling Baal….. Just as Elijah did 2600 years ago? 5x520=2600
Elijah believed he was the only one left serving the Lord. Yet there were others. In fact, God told Elijah that there were “7,000 in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal and every mouth that has not kissed him” (1 Kings 19:18).
This verse has always confounded me. 7000 was too great a number! The reason I rejected my faith as a teenager - not believing or understanding these silly Biblical stories. I was not alone, Just about every commentator throughout history has struggled with this passage as well......How could there have been so many others (Like Elijah) back in Israel? Were these Prophets? Was it just metaphorical? Or was God speaking Precisely? As we have learned through the work of Rabi Jonathan Cahn in his book the Paradigm which shows the amazing precision of the patterns our our parallel Godtype research has been documenting for over 20 years.
The 7000 today are the 7000 Rightous Americans and Rightous and Godly laws, statutes etc. that where struck down over the last 50 years. Though all 7000 were struck down, I would argue that not ONE OF THEM BENT THE KNEE!
We can all remember many of these 7000 Prophets watching the local nightly news…
1. The Coach and team not allowed to Pray at his football game.
The coach fired for not knealing to Ba'al, and the lefts woke liturgy.
The Teacher not allowed to have his or her bible at their desk in a small town in Missouri, in Ohio, Virginia etc etc.
The city hall forced to remove the 10 commandments.
The decade old Cross on city property forcibly removed.
The yearly Naitivity scene displayed at the town park removed.
The student not allowed to pray at half time at the local high school game.
On and on and on
Beloved, I shout and do my best to relay to you that the 7000 rightous cases the Lemon test has nullified in America represent the 7000 unseen prophets God promissed Elijah would join him in standing up to Baal!
America! We will STAND UP ONCE MORE as 7000 rightous Cases and their MULTITUDE of Defendents, Lawyers and Biblical Patriots Fight for our Constitutionally protected GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.