Milton Thomas X -
17+ year writing pseudonym & radio interview Alias of Milton Thomas Fleitas. Research Author & Publisher of, &
Milton first postulated the theory of Godtype in 1997. Proposing that Human Cognition & Time itself must have the same patterns of the Image of God outlined in the ancient scriptures if those scriptures are to be considered true.
Former State Presidential Campaign manager, Strategist & Social Media mgr for Alan Keyes 2000. Joint Creator and developer of one the earliest and largest social and media rich Campaign Web sites at DECLARATION.ORG in 1999
(Attempted to coin “Teaparty” to describe our massive movement on our Declarationorg campaign site, but was shot down directly by Alan who prefered the More Correct Term “Grass Roots”.)
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Over 42 Impossible Biblical Time-Codes and Cyphers have been broken over the last 25 years that speak to the times we are living in! Important research for serious Individuals seeking to understand the Biblical & Scientific encoded patterns that have waited 2000+ years to be understood. Patterns that both Isaac Newton & William Blake unknowingly revealed in their writings and Illustrations - Subscribe for free, to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update. Including many Radio interviews on our podcast going back 12 years, predicting the Biblical times we are all privy to be living in at this moment
Beloved - if you have time, please consider listening to our last two radio interviews which when combined, teach and explain the simplicity of the Godtype patterns and codes.
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