The Great Dichotomy: The Miraculous Lives of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson. The Father/Son (50%/50%) 100 Year Great Jubilee’s. 20 vs the WORLD
God said..."Find me just 20 rightous souls in Sodom?" Evidence of the 100 year Godtype cycles (Father + Son) seen in history. Both Died 50 years to the day of the Founding of America on July 4th 1826.
If Possible, Listen to our Radio Interview from 2019 which Reviews this Research at this LINK.
God promised Abraham that if he found only twenty righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah he would not destroy both cities (Genesis 18:31)
Thinking vs Feeling
There are two battles raging at this moment. It is flowing through time within a 16.6 year cycle that runs from 2013-2029. One is a Battle of LOVE between the Freedom Caucus and the Party of Lincoln. This is the Father/Son Dichotomy, Thinking vs Feeling - originally Displayed in America with the Relationship of Rational NT founding FATHER John Adams + Idealist NF founding SON Thomas Jefferson.
Simultaneously, this was also battled across the pond between two of the greatest English minds at that same time period…. An internal war of Love…. Love is truly a battlefield and this cognitive battle was witnessed in England through the pen and calculations of Isaac Newton in his scientific writings. It was also seen through the Artistic brush strokes & Poetry of William Blake with his Art and poetry. It was a battle of Art verses Science…between Willam Blake vs Isaac Newton. This is the 2nd battle, A Dichotomy between the Spirit on Earth & the Holy Spirit in Heaven.
Intuition vs Sensing
This 2nd battle is between Rightousness and Baal. It crosses all political, cognitive, religous & philosophical lines… It is a battle that God (Father/Son/H.Spirit) is making crystal clear for us at this very moment in what we first called the GREAT BIFURCATION in a radio interview back in 2012 As we described the upcoming cycle only one year away in 2013.
A cognitive (Spiritual) battle between the four functions embedded within the human operating system. T vs F (Thinking vs Feelings) and S vs N (iNtuition vs Sensing)
I have been shouting to the wind and writing since a 2012 radio interview correctly predicting a new Jesuit Pope on the week Pope Benedict resigned…. (Based on the Prophecy of St. Francis of Assisi)
“The Catholic Church will Divide…..Evangelicals will divide….Democrat & Republicans will both have Internal battles, Bifurcation is necessary to allow humanity a clear decision between only Two choices!”
20 Rightous representatives & 450 prophets of Baal
How Interesting…. God promised Abraham that if he found only (20) twenty righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah he would not destroy both cities (Genesis 18:31)
Even more wonderful to stumble across this passage in 1st Kings about the 450 Prophets of Ba’al this morning….
“How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him” (1 Kings 18:2p1).
Amazingly documented for us in the Peshers of 1st Kings. (Peshers are true history, yet they are hyperbolic history idealistically embellished) as they represent patterns that flow continuously through out history.
Lets begin by praising God for these 20 brave souls…. Who according to our Godtype timemaps have recently Purchased America 7 years of rightous Government. (Thanks to Thomas Jefferson as we will learn later in this essay)
The 20 GOP representatives who voted against the Ungodly uniparty and political Corruption are:
Andy Biggs, Reps. Dan Bishop of North Carolina, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Josh Bechreen of Oklahoma, Michael Cloud of Texas, Andrew Clyde of Georgia, Eli Crane of Arizona, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Bob Good of Virginia, Paul Gosar of Arizona, Andy Harris of Maryland, Ana Paulina Luna of Florida, Mary Miller of Illinois, Ralph Norman of South Carolina, Andy Ogles of Tennessee, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Matt Rosendale of Montana, Chip Roy of Texas, Keith Self of Texas, and Byron Donalds of Florida.
The core of this research essay was originally published 14 years ago. It was a research essay dealing the FATHER / SON Dichotomy of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. A relationship of LOVE & Respect. It is what Godtype proposes is the primary DICHOTOMY ON EARTH.
So much so, that our original book we were publishing 12 years ago visually displayed this often contentious relationship on its cover… the cover art displayed one of my primary chapters attempt at unifying this most important cognitive Dicotomy.
William Blake's (A Son Type Idealist) illustration of his contemporary - Isaac Newton, Mocking his (Father Type Rational) … by showing him at the bottom of a myry sea attempting to calculate creation!
Two men critical in our founding, and yet they spent most of their lives - post American Revolution on Opposite sides of the political spectrum of our Bifurcated God Inspired American system of Government. Opposing and Battling…. and yet they came together in Love at the end of their lives.
A system that parallels creation.
A system that unfortunately begins to acquisce & merge every 100 years requiring a necessary reset.
How interesting? Years after proposing on godtype this relationsip of Father/Son Correlated with the cycles of godtype, we discovered that both men died exactly on July 4th of 1826? EXACTLY 50 YEARS EACH. 50 years of life living in the “present” totalling 100 years on earth (Present), representative of the self evident 100 year Great Jubilee Father/Son cycles we have been teaching for years. This may seem anecdotal on the surface, but it is astronomically statistically impossible.
A Conversation with researcher & analyst Carlton Hobbs
Have you thought about how the taunting of the pro-vaxxers about people collapsing and dropping dead, about whether it is caused by the vax, is like Elijah taunting the prophets of Baal?
No. But yes, i see it now. Will study this. You got me thinking again! My last comment to you... on bifurcation (2) needed to make a clear decision is expressed in this story. (PESHER). , “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him” (1 Kings 18:2p1). HMMM. 450 prophets of Baal? 540 congressmen... i always thought of the crazy amount of prophets to the size relative to the size of congress???.... that leaves 90.... likely the highest # of people the freedom caucus can extract from this body. They currently have about 35 and are secret?. They are brilliant keeping secret.
OH WOW. Been saying it is the IDEALIST (Jesus) that THE 20 REPRESENT......You understand Godtype research….…. they are 16.6% of the population!. 16.66% x 540 (total congress) = 90! 540-90=450!
That leaves you 450 prophets of Baal…..!!!!
Even the Tepid (Luke Warm) Republicans can be considered Prophets of Ba’al. [Revelation 3:16]
Democrat vs Republican, Woke vs Fallen Spirit (Satan) on Earth vs Holy Spirit in Heaven have become a UNIPARTY OVER the last 42 years…God's system of bifurcation layed out in the American Republican system of Government is broken.
THIS BIFURCATED system is clearly displayed among humanity as we recognise these two battling groups with their modern day tribal designation that goes beyond political affiliation.….
The modern day BUMPER STICKER!
The EARTHLY Spirit seeking a Satanic UNIPARTY with its woke “COEXIST”.
Those who seek to go back to the Godly understanding that coexisting is not the answer? CONTRADICT, (in love and peace) is what Jesus preached on earth!
As those who are not “woke” and generally Awake and not fooled by the medical technocracy that has fooled so many with their DNA altering kill shot Drive around with their NOTW bumper stickers…. Exclaiming the most rational (NT) understanding that we are……
So too, the Religous systems of Government have completely broken down due to the same satanic infiltration. A Satanic infiltration first mentioned by Yeshua in Mat: 16:23, As he exclaimed to Mathew…..who represents the 5 in 12, 41.66%, “Father Types” throughout all Godtype research….. ”Get behind me satan”
Last Night I was Saddened with the the Thought of there only being 20 Republicans standing up for what “I SEE” as “Freedom and Liberty”. Some of my Favorite Congressmen were Acquiescing to the system? MTG - Marjorie Taylor Green was confounding my rational mind? Our greatest fighter was acquiescing to the system… MTG is likely an ENTJ “FieldMarshal” Father type….. A JOHN ADAMS TYPE (Father types look to the past) and though our most fervent Warriors & Guardians, at the end of the day they seek PEACE and consensus. THEY ACQUIESCE TO THE SYSTEM. Many of the lesser known 20 rebels we have posted above seem to be Thomas Jefferson types! (Son Type IDEALISTs) that see THE FUTURE clearer than anyone in Godtype research. Godtype’s (Like Jesus himself) that have no problem with breaking the current system and starting anew…. Willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.
ISAAC the SON was willing to be the Sacrifice for his FATHER Abraham
The first born Sons of all Egypt were designated for Sacrifice by FATHER God. And yet, just like the Ram caught in the thicket, Redemption wss recieved through the blood of the lamb….. A symbol of the SON.
YESHUA the SON, willingly gave himself to the WILL of the FATHER on a cross at calvary 2000 years ago….
This is a biblical reality that plays out as an Archetype in secular History as well…. William Tell's SON willingly gives himself to the will of his FATHER due to the Satanic Elite corrupt government as Tell successfully shot an Apple Off his head!
So, in waking this morning I had an understanding…. Only 20 representatives willing to give their careers…. Their Lives…. to fix a major structural problem within the United States. 20 Idealist! Willing to be called Terrorist by the False Americans hiding within the Rebublican party we call RINOS… Tepid and disgusting men such as Dan Crenshaw. Weak, self aggrandizing men such as Sean Hannity. Compromised Television outlets such as Fox news and Newsmax.
The 20 achieved their goals…. Yes, 14 acquiesced for McCarthy early, but they allowed 6 (# for man) to go to the bitter end….
6 that forced the most impor6ant Rule to be implemented! A RULE THAT THOMAS JEFFERSON fought John Adams for 250 years ago…. The ability for a single person notice to vacate! Allowing a single congessman to force To continue the great history of the congress which FORCES THE BIFURCATED HUMAN RACE TO OPENLY DEBATE AND TALK AND COME TO AGREEMENT OPENLY IN THE PEOPLES HOUSE.
It was the amazing portrayals of Adams and Jefferson on the HBO mini series that spurred my connection of these two founding fathers to our research at Godtype.
How amazing…. I gave the crazy scientific supposition that these two men somehow represented the 100 year cycles of Godtype years ago?
How interesting that a few years later, I discovered that Both men began their lives in perfect Harmony at the writing of the declaration of independence….. And both Died Exactly 50 YEARS TO THE DAY of the signing of the most Liberal and God inspired Document on earth… On July 4th of 1826. Both Men…. Stepped into Eternity after fulfilling 50 years each of Life in the greatest experiment of god fearing Liberty on earth. The United States of America.
John Adams, A FATHER TYPE (xNTJ/xSTJ/xSFJ/xNFJ) Whose name (ADAM) represents the Father of the Human Race?
Thomas Jefferson. A SON TYPE (xNTP, xNFP, xSFP, xSTP) Whose name “means” SON OF THE RIGHTIOUS KING?
Our breaking of the The Writing on the Wall Biblical Cypher was still about 4 years away (circa 2011). You can read our updated research, Part1 now at substack at this link. (please see our soon to be published part3 showing How God uses the names of our leaders to give us clue’s to his precise mapping of time…. The reason for the Hebrew seasons and yearly celebrations which give us evidence of God’s precise Calendar.
Beloved! if you have time, please listen to our two Radio interviews that lecture on this….. You will be blown away by the amazing “coincidences” God writes down in his word which abstractly play out in “Time” and history as we understand.
2023 Essay Verse, Mat 10:32-36
32“Therefore, everyone who [x]confesses Me before people, I will also confess [y]him before My Father who is in heaven. 33But whoever denies Me before people, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.
34“Do not think that I came to [z]bring peace on the earth; I did not come to [aa]bring peace, but a sword. 35For I came to TURN A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; 36and A PERSON’S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD.