Katie Hobbs: The Sad Faced 'Auguste' Clown
Killer Clowns - Puppets Manipulated by the White Faced Clowns - Will the Auguste' take the deadly fall?
Beloved. Forgive me for sending this preliminary research essay so quickly, as ive expressed - to keep these letters to 2 or 3 per month at most… but time is moving quickly and I believe we must all be praying for what is going on in Arizona…
Clown World
Through out our 20+ years of research at Godtype.com we have shown how personal names & surnames within the Biblical canon and known American history has been used by God to show (those listening) that there is a supernatural story written down in our scriptures. Written down in our History books. Amazing patterns (Type) that shows us our futures….
Please listen to our 2019 radio interview ((Link Here))where we teach the amazing story of Americas founding Fathers John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Displaying the primary godtype relationship among humanity…. The Father/Son 50/50 Dichotomy we claim flows through time. Both passing away exactly 50 years from our Countries founding on July 4th 1826.
Adam(s) = Father of Human Race. Jefferson = Son of the Rightous King
Evidence of the 50(Father)+50(Son)=100 year Godtype cycles we have taught for 20+ years
Katie Hobbs is just a puppet. A shadow of the chief tramp (type) clown Joe Biden (just another puppet) that will lead to teaching America how deep the federal corruption has gone. Will God use Katie Hobbs to show the clear theft and stealing of an election at the State Level? Will Our sad faced Hobbs turn on her deep state handlers?
Would not Kari Lake’s rightfull reinstatement into the governors seat of a stolen election -being proven daily in Arizona, lead the general woke public to the idea.… The understanding..… of the similar corrupt circumstances of the stolen 2020 Presidential Election at the federal level? As well as giving us the blueprint (pattern) for the necessary correction and reinstatement of President Trump.
Both Hobbs & Biden were the weakest possible candidates.
Both Hobbs & Biden campaigned from their basements as their handlers limited their interaction with the public to a minimum.
Both won their elections after days of counting… against obviously more popular candidates
Both Hobbs & Biden won their elections due to corruption in Maricopa County.
Both Hobbs & Biden used Direct lines to Twitter to limit and shut down their opponents.
This would cause the entire World to begin asking themselves - Does the United States now have TWO PRESIDENTS? I paradoxically ask that everyone PRAY for Hobbs…. Including Kari Lake - That our sad and bumbling Auguste Clown turns on her vicious deep state white faced handlers… Agents of Chaos, hidden behind their white masks.
Katie Hobbs is obviously not the mastermind.... The mastermind’s role is that of the white face clowns. You can see her sadness through that fake smile - she is nothing more than the Auguste clown. Fearful of the next request, the next commandment, the next possible threat from her evil handlers…
The Auguste Clown is not a fool. They are clever enough to know they are being used. They take the punches & most of the falls set up by the white faces, yet they refuse to take on any gag that is to extreme and could really hurt them?
It is at this point, when they recognise they are litterally at the end of their rope… it is at thus point that the “Auguste” would simply call on the freeloading “Tramp” Clown to take the scripted fall.
The Killers of Clown World
I first studied clowns over 30 years ago…. I consulted in Hollywood teaching & setting up pioneering Computer Animation & non-linear video editing systems. One of my first clients circa 1987 were the producers of KILLER CLOWNS FROM OUTERSPACE? Wow! Can clowns be that evil? So I studied…. Yes. The White Face Can.
Understanding the 3 archetypes of this often funny, yet comically destructive character.
The Whiteface is the big brother and mastermind of the clown world: in charge, a know-it-all, setting up the situations that other clowns, like the Auguste take the fall for. (Obama?)
The Auguste. A clever, yet sad character always being abused and set up to take the fall…. by the Mastermind “white face” in the background. (Hobbs)
The Tramp. An uninteligent clown. His name describes his lack of Morality. The best-known example of this idiot type clown was pioneered by Red Skelton as Freddy the Freeloader. This is certainly the role of (Joseph Rob’N it Biden)
I truly believe that our Hobbs Clown is just an AUGUSTE….. manipulated by her white faced handlers through out all the years as she was propped up to positions of leadership that have always been….. well above her abilities.
Democrat State Senator
Leader of Democrat State Senate
Secretary of State
Katie knows that rope she has been climbing all these years is near its end… the Killer Clowns have been supporting her from the the greatest heights of the big top. The tramp, at the gest of the white face is about to cut her off. Is she clever enough to survive this scripted fall from the very top of the circus tent?
I ask that we all pray for Hobbs to turn from the Chaos & corruption… For Hobbs to remove & scrub off the facepaint that creates that fake smile… To avoid the Jail cell that is in her likely future. As the weight of all the evidence of corruption and a stolen election weighs on her soul… The white faced masterminds have set her up as the ultimate scapegoat… They placed her in the position to certify her own stolen election!
Only clowns within the Clown world of the Democrat / RINO Party could of come up with such a scenario.
Auguste Clowns and Katie Hobbs are individually weak. The deadly Democratic machine has chosen her not for her strengths… but for her weakness.
Pray that she turns on this evil machine.
File under Praeternatural
Milton Thomas X (Fleitas)
Post Note: 9/28/2923
Joe Biden (Tramp) just visited Arizona & Katie Hobbs (Auguste)…….. Hmmm….. Was he there to deliver the message for “her to take the fall” from the WHITE FACE Clown? (Obama)
This is the crazy clownworld scenario we wrote nearly a year ago.
35 years Later and Killer Clowns remains part of the American psyche.