The Aurelian Point. The Ancient battle for the Worldly power source of our earth.... Humanities monetary system.
Does History Repeat? Andrew Jackson's & Emperor Auralian's battle with the Deep State. Why Auralien was called RESTORER OF THE WORLD, Built the Wall around Rome & restored the monetary system.
To All our Subscribers, We are publishing this important Preliminary live Godtype Essay + Notes. FLAWS & ALL. We would absolutely appreciate any Contributions and corrections you may have in comments. Our goal is a finalized essay near THE AURELIAN POINT! January 20th. 2025 [Aurelean = Golden]
Donald J. TRUMP. A populace who rose to power at 70 years, 7 months, 7 days of age on Jan. 20th 2016. Pi=
Facts and Key Essay Points
Andrew Jackson was DJT favorite 7th president.
Andrew Jackson was the first populace president & the final Founding Father*
Aurelian was the first of the “Populace emperors” who restored Rome. Nicknamed RESTORER OF THE WORLD
Aurelian built the Wall around Rome and like Jackson his #priority was restoring the debased currency.
Andrew Jackson technically fought the FINAL BATTLE of the revolutionary war at the Battle of New Orleans?
Orleans is the French word for “Aurelian”. So, Jackson becomes famous for the “Battle of the New Aurelian”
The Mississippi originally named by the Spaniards the Great River of the Holy Spirit. And is AS PREDICTED BY GODTYPE RESEARCH 2033 Nautical Miles.
The battle of New Orleans occurred at the mouth of the Mississippi River, (under the secretary of War and Future President James Monroe) Please see our old research essay here. Monroe meaning is “Mouth of the River” and we show How He and Madison Represent the BIFURCATED SPIRIT ON EARTH.
Godtype Journal #103: (The American July 4th Bible Codes)
Beloved, Prepare.... Things may look good now, but the enemy will not leave without a decisive ultimate battle that is yet to occur.
Bellum Moneteriorum (War of the Moneyers)
Please READ Aurelian's Letter to his father posted a few paragraphs below……. In it he describes HIS ANGUISH at losing 7000 Legionaires and Confidants in a bloody battle with the Head of the MINT and Rogue Senators not willing to give up on the financial GRIFT. The deep state was willing to die for this WORLDLY SPIRIT because they understood after the unveiling of their corruption…. Aurelians Penalty would be severe.
Does History Repeat?
Are we metaphorically repeating Andrew Jackson's Battle of New Orleans against the Elites? Aurelian's civil war Battle against the Mint Executives? Losing 7,000 precious Legionairs in retaking the Empires monetary system from Corrupt Senators?
After studying everything available on the Bellum Moneteriorum it is clear to me that this ancient battle will be fought against (2) primary American deep state foes….
A combination of two mastecised cancers within the United States.
The S.E.S,
The Creature From Jekyll Island, The Fed
Will Godtype's 25 years of research showing how many of our biblical stories & meanings of “names” are actually prophetic peshers….”Repeating hyperbolic stories” giving us understandings of our futues… Do these Biblical Peshers possibly ocur within Secular history as well?
These historical events in Andrew Jackson's life are why president Trump chose Jackson as his favorite president and intuitively placed HIS BUST in his oval office.
The 1815 battle of New Orleans was the battle that decisevely finally destroyed the British [Representative of the Grifting Elite's] at the mouth of the Mississippi river... A river, strangely, exactly 2033 nautical Miles long? originally named by the Spaniards "THE GREAT RIVER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT"
A River that was about to metaphorically crossed within a few short years …..
The battle was fought under the eye of future president James Monroe as “acting” Secretary of War? Hmmm? We wrote a research essay showing the Biblical []Linked above in our July 4th American Bible codes[] patterns of America's First 7 presidents? Monroe? His name REPRESENTING THE HOLY SPIRIT? His name meaning “Mouth of the River” = “Monroe”. In many ways it was Monroe who innitiated Jackson's future Reign (presidency) and his legacy in history as the next 2 centuries would be known as the “Age of Jackson”
Is it a coincidence that these last 200 years parallel the 200 years the Roman Empire lasted an exact 520 years [44bc to 476ad…] after Aurelians corrections to the monetary system? Rome did not just disappear after 476, it continued on as a powerful state, yet it was not longer treated as an empire….
America’s 260/260 year divided Anglo-American empire 1776-2036 demanded by God at The Writing on the Wall claims we are set to expire right on cue in 2036. [See our viral broken Bible code below] We will hopefully return to Monroe’s Doctrine of manifest destiny and focus not on being the Harlot and Empire, but back upon what made this country great…. With our focus not on liberal concrete earthly conquest…
Our conquest will refocus on the “Abatract”…. On the people… We will finally Re-focus on the “meek”…. The “populace” as Trump’s promisses of opening up millions of acres across the American west back to the “Populace”. To use the power of the federal Government to create new cities designed to allow mere citezens and our children to dream again! To dream again, to work the land once more with the same spirit of discovery that Drove Jackson, Monroe and Madison across the fruited planes of America's frontier for another 200 years.
Yet not all of America's populace dreams of these IN THE MOMENT Monroe “Spirit on Earth” inspired conquest of our physical earthly domain…… The SP, SJ temperements.
Many of the FUTURE looking Idealist & Rationals dwell instead on Abstract ideas…. They are motivated by things unseen. Many will be putting their potential energy into conquering the next frontier…. Space.
Elon Musk’s Heavy lifting Rockets, much like the initial wagon trains and future railroads that crossed the west in the 19th century, will supply American’s as we travel to new destinations in our solar system in the 21st century.
Andrew Jackson did not win the battle of New Orleans [Orleans = Aurelian!] with Military Generals, but Jackson alone leading an Army of volunteer militia citizens at the mouth of the Mississipi River.
Andrew Jackson's presidency is known for battling central banks and reestablishing "real" Gold or Silver backed Hard Money. Hmmm..
The Battle of New Orleans was technically the final battle of the revolutionary war against Britain? Who one can argue was meddling within America's monetary system with Rich Elitest Americans whose true allegiance was with England and not the American common citizen.
A excellent video on Jackson's BANK WARS
Is it a coincidence that “Orleans” is a a french word derived from the Roman Emperor Auralian? Hmmm. i.e. The battle of the "New Auralian"....won by the 7th President of the United States. [I would Argue that Andrew Jackson was an ABSOLUTE "type" of Auralian]
Auralian was known as one of the few Great /Good Emperor's.... He is Known for Bringing back Hard Gold & Silver backed money to the Roman Empire's fiat monetary system.... He is one of the “Good” Emperor's because He did not persecute the Christians.
As he battled invading Barbarians...yet history teaches us his Greatest battle was the Enemy within. He battled the corrupt Senate which was beholden to the corrupt elite oligarchs entrenched within the emperial capital. Rome
In the Historia Augusta, writings of the history of the Roman emperors from 117AD to 284AD, a letter from Aurelian to his adopted father captures the emperor’s thoughts. He wrote,
"From Aurelian Augustus to Ulpius his father. Just as though it were ordained for me by Fate that all the wars that I wage and all commotions only become more difficult, so also a revolt within the city has stirred up for me a most grievous struggle. For under the leadership of Felicissimus, the lowest of all my slaves, to whom I had committed the care of the privy-purse, the mint-workers have shown the spirit of rebellion. They have indeed been crushed, but with the loss of seven thousand men, boatmen, bank-troops, camp-troops and Dacians. Hence it is clear that the immortal gods have granted me no victory without some hardship."
He also battled an internal INSURECTION with of all people... Felicissimus! The HEAD OF THE ROMAN MINT. i.e. Equivalence of the American Fed!
It was a massive civil war battle…..History interestingly only records the amount of Loyal populace Roman legionaires deaths…. 7000.
What are the odds? Like Felicissimus, Bessant is an old Family friend in Trumps family…… What are the Odds? 25 years of teaching the names of many of our characters in our human story on this earth represent archetypal repeating peshers from our ancient scriptures. Bessent… The man chosen to lead our modern Mint just as Fellicisimus was nearly 2 millenia ago…. His name denotes a “moneyer”… a “Gold coin”"!
My Gut is that this “coincidence” leads us to the possibility that “Bessent” will Redeem his Family name. Correcting correcting the mistakes of the money changing elites….and just as our dozens of Codebreaking Godtype research essays show a positive/Negative Dychotomy in these historical patterns…. Bessent’s role as a Trump nominated confidant will be to bring down the true Elite Grifters embedded within our government……
A combination of two mastecised cancers within the United States.
The S.E.S,
The Creature From Jekyll Island, The Fed
Beloved. Pray. Bessent does not repeat the role of M
Felicissimus. The Role that lead to the deadly civil war that left 7000 leginaires (Aurelian populace forces) on the battlefield of the money bellum. History does not record the dead among the Elite and their rebellious Senators? It is my gut feeling that just like the slaughter of the British by Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans, where Jackson's forces won by 20 to 1 death counts…. The Forces of Felicissimus likely lost 7000×20
i.e. losses of over 100,000
Oh. There are few more things Auralian is famous for...1st, His Golden Mask and Love of gaudy golden architecure... 2nd His WALL... A protective wall he built to protect rome... A wall that continued to protect Rome for an additional 200+ years..
Our 2019 Radio Interview Explans & reviews the primary tenets of Godtype & The Godtype Continuum that is key to understand the repeating patterns of history.
Post research notes……
Feb 7, 2025. Wow. Our suppositions of Bessant's role be one “of redeeming his family name” and not being a modern day fellicimus and foe of DJT seems correct. A dream last night confirming SES (Senior Executive services) being THE TRUE LEADERS OF THE CORRUPT GOVERNMENT REBELLION. Hmmm. SES has ROUGHLY Around 7700 employees, by chance on the morning i woke up deciding the SES Was the modern day FELICIMUS, I was asked by the Spirit to look up the meaning of 7700??? 7700 = the devil… it is used once in the bible
IINotes Below for our parallel Ark of the Covenant Research we will publish next month.
Illustrations and images from unpublished research tieing in the Golde Ark at Maralago with the location we postulated 15 years ago on radio interviews! Crazy to find out the Maralago Ark is a exact Replica from the movie…. Which visually showed the Ark at the LOCATION WE POSTULATED DUE TO A 2033 NM Occult distance from the Washington Monument?
Ultimately tieing into or 2 year old essays CLAIMING MIAMI would be the new Location of the Holy Spirits RECLAMATION of America…. You can't make this up!
[] (Holly)In our Godtype research tirng into the Ark of the Covenant we show how other geoearth anomalies strangely measure exactly 2033 nautical miles? We show in 10+ year old essays how the Spirit of God represents the "spiritual" power source of our earth.. Through the Ark of the covenant and its possible hidden location in the Americas ? Interesting? A Replica is now at Maralago (miami) of Which we wrote a essay onthe Transfer of the Holyspirit to miami 2 years ago? The Ark represents Gods spirit on earth.(see linked research)[] unpublished[]
Hmmm. See our 10 y.o. research that godtype predicts that the Ark of the covenant would be 2033 NM from Washington Monument.????? What are the odds???? The Location of the new Ark at Mar A Lago is 2029.33 from our wild research guess?? THE EXACT DATE OF THE