What are the odds?
[God's Plans for Us, are Not Our Own]
You are in shock. Blindsided & let go from what you thought was your dream job in Aquatic architecture designing water parks & Aquatic facilities while finally earning a 6 figure plus salary…. [Due to Trump Economy]. Nothing to do with performance? You are given a generous severence payment. 24 hours later you are miraculously hired without even a resume, simply on your reputation and a connection from an old friend. The largest privately owned Electrical Construction firm in the US has recently landed 2 major construction projects.
The Orlando Airport & Google’s prototype Data Center.
The godtype researcher claiming to have deciphered the digital nature of human cognition 20+ years ago is impossibly and miraculously tasked to organise & 3D Reverse engineer the Google Prototype data centers… Including my final assignment to layout the “bus” Power systems in a virtual environment?
The Epiphany hit me on my final assignment.. as we created illustrations for the installation manuals so to speak, to allow field electricians to actually construct this massive puzzle. The Construction manager asks you….
“Milton, the average Journeyman Electrician let alone me, do not understand the provided complex engineering drawings… Can you decipher them and provide simpler drawings?”
Using a lifetime of experience - much like the Godtype research Illustations you will find here at Godtype, You color code your drawings…. You reduce all redundancy…. You simplify and strive for efficiency…. putting together your drawings like the the single page instruction sheets of your youth when you built countless models or even the simplistic lego models of childhood. Color coding every single power synapse and its overhead connection across these halls of technology… Our modern day Temples. You put together and wire tens of thousands of power switches which act much like the (neurons) within the human mind.
You freeze at your desk as you complete the projects final drawings. As you look down at the drawings you are near completing…. You had confounding dreams the night before that were too jumbled to understand. Realize you unknowingly used the same colors of Godtype… Blue, Red, Yellow/Orange & Purple.
EPIPHINY! The Puzzle pieces come together in a microsecond?
The Rational Percentages of their use… Their locations…. Their levels…. Their cognitive parallels….
Correlation of ALL energy 41.66% (42 of Google)
Kinetic *Human* Energy 33.3% (33 of Spirit on earth)
Energy Conversion 16.66% (17 of Yeshua, the Christ)
Potential Energy 8.33% (1in12, Holy Spirit from Above)
All follow the Godtype Continuum Codes (A manipulated Fibonacci sequence) you deciphered and illustrated 10 years earlier. The virtual world you have just 3D modelled and reverse engineered in a quest to simplify the construction drawings for these real world physical Data centers are one in the SAME!
Beloved, We are still working on Illustrations and extended research below that will be available to all soon when complete. As always, most every godtype code broken has been a team effort between myself and 25 year research partner who almost always filled in the blanks for me. Of late. Many puzzle pieces have been located and discovered by our readers! This is How the Holy Spirit works! We have been documenting this phenomenon for two decades.
You can email me direct at Godtype@Substack.com
Preface update:
My guess was right about Google's quantum computers at the beating heart of every data center? That Special room at the HEART of Googles prototype data centers we conjectured below would be used for A QUANTUM COMPUTER. Here is a public recent image of Googles Quantum computer…. Personally placing (3D virtual environment) all fire systems & pannels …. Near certain, this is the room at the beating heart of all newer google data centers.
We reviewed questions about Godtype and Artificial inteligence over 4 years ago on this radio program linked below.
“I Conceptually know that building like the back of my hand” as i was responsible & hired to coordinate the overall project layout for the electrical construction documents.”
My primary assignments were heaven sent. Looking back, 5 primary assignments over a 7 month period. They were rationally assigned to me, requiring what I have called “Completion Backwards”. (Based on a great 70s album from the Tubes) A design method that requires looking at a project or any human endeavor for that matter from the End “Desire”… FIRST.
Completion Backwards Principle: Day 1. My assignment - Organise and develop electrical construction documents… their nomenclature… their phasing over time… Divide the building’s areas into workable sections - assigning areas their greek numerations… Alpha, Delta, Epsilon etc.in order to organise a massive set of hundreds of construction documents
Help Design/Route Conduit systems in the massive interior power Room to their data hall destinations with its 12 massive power sources + 1 Potential power system interestingly elevated (highest level) THAT ACTS A REDUNDANT SYSTEM filling in to the 17 sectional rows of computers below as needed from up high?
Hmmm. Godtype infered in our illustrations 10+ years ago that our known 12 millenium’s are the power source for our physical earth? . The power sources for our 3 earthly functions and their corresponding Temperements [Feeling] NF, [Thinking] SJ, [Sensing] SP. 12 Terestrial personality types? But, both Science & Tradition show there is a 13th Millenium UNAVAILABLE TO MAN…. IT is the realm of our creator from above. (2) 1000 year Domains where time (can) flow in two directons. The realm accessed by what Jung called INTUITION, th realm and power source for our NT rationals such as Steve Bannon.
*Precession is a 26,000 year full trip(+13 -13) through the 12 zodiacs…. Through Time as we understand.?
Develop a virtual 3D camera with the same zoom abilities as those specified for possible future integration with the building. 3D model and virtually place the hundreds of security cameras that will be watching these empty (of Humanity) halls.
Provide a miniature version of the bus power systems for the most secure Room in the building adjacent to security…. A ROOM SO SECRET WE WERE NOT PRIVY TO WHAT IT WILL BE HOLDING???? power that does not come from the 12+1 Transformers i worked on??? Power that our site plans simply show these lines heading North towards a famous reservoir / hydro electric plant?
I am near certain this will hold the individual abiotic quantum computer system which will connect to every other data center on earth. My guess is, if this mimicking of the human mind continues…. Power will be Direct Curent, not AC.
Epiphiny: my final assignment. I have been chosen to Reverse Engineer The Data Halls Buss power systems that provide Power to the 17 massive linear sections of computers. It requires over 136 sheets at minimum if i follow the design plans from engineering. THINK MILTON! there must be a pattern to efficiently reduce the size of our construction drawings? Find the Pattern!
A. 4 distinct [vertical] Levels (Jungs 4 Functions)
Color code them Yellow, Purple, Blue & Red
B. The massive Bus power distribution system.
provides power for 16 distinct sections?
YELLOW=Kinetic Energy
C. A SMALLER Bus system provides redundant.
(Potential) power from above (the highest level) to
“any” system requesting “help” below
PURPLE=Potential Energy
D. 16 BIFURCATED ROWS You number them 01-16
They are bifurcated, each computer row.
connecting.to the row on the opposite side via data
cables at the 3rd level you have designated?
YELLOW+BLUE=Kinnetic Energy+Correlation Energy
E. ROWS 00/01 & 33/34 (Section 0 & 17) Are UNIQUE
They are the FIRST row, and the LAST ROW, They.
SYSTEM. and yet due to design
RED=conversion of ALL Energy
Mind of a Madman. The initial epiphiny of the Human 16bit circuit of cognition. Flaws and all… eventually renumbering in binary 0000,1111,0001 etc. THIS IS THE Theorized PATTERN of chow cognition flows within Humanity. The Patterns of the Data centers, mimic our decade old online research. Hmmm??? 153 Binary connections in Human Cognition. 153 Fish caught in the Apostles nets under the view of the risen Christ? JOHN 21:1-25 Data flows North to South, then South to North [Space] as it moves across 32 bifurcated sectons (16 rows) in a West to East [Time] direction. The 33rd section is represented as row 0/17. The FIRST ROW & THE LAST ROW. The begining and the End. We recognise that the 17th Row of computers is AMAZINGLY UNIQUE, actually THE FIRST AND THE LAST rows?! Rows do not speak or connect to each other. Like the human mind, They are bifurcated….They only connect and “speak” Across the hallowed Halls.
COMPLETION BACKWARDS: This is how most Rational Engineers tackle complex projects. It is taught in engineering schools… It is also taught in the Bible.. As the Story of Redemption and God's plan of salvation is clearly taught between the pages of Genesis to Revelation.
It is a PICTURE OF Gods wisdom and set plan for redemption from the begining of time for the son's of Adam. Who look forward to redemption…. The END DESIRE provided by our creator…The Desire of Ages! Yeshua, Jesus, the CHRIST.
Pleaase subscribe (Free) & return soon, as we will be publishing new illustrations on the impossible similarities of godtype’s theoretical digital breakdown of human cognition, The design of the Temple in Jerusalem and Goggle data centers share way to many coincidences for us to not pay attention..
Coincidences that Alex Jones impossibly outlines in The video above.
Please! go ahead and search google for yourself… Ask the Google spirit “The Answer to Everything” Its first answer is 42! Is this not the irrational 41.66 of Godtype?
Heck, lets have some fun with Gematria. Gematria is the hebrew system of numerology that assigns numbers to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. I wonder what the Hebrew word for Google represents….
Sure enough Google in Hebrew equals 42 !
גוגל = 42 = Google
In summary I am simply trying to drive home the fact that there are two competing spirits on this earth with which we must all contend with. The Holy Spirit from our true creator who was deployed at Pentecost by Christ himself. The Holy Spirit which came “from above” representative of Eternity / Heaven. We must though, also contend with the Spirit of this world… The spirit from Below / Earth which was usurped by a mighty angel Lucifer long ago – a counterfeit of God’s true Spirit. A spirit that though it has been given reign on earth is limited and imprisoned within a set time and future end. A counterfeit that spreads convincing pseudo biblical stories of the creation of humanity. Pseudo biblical stories which the Gnostic literature’s spread to an unwitting humanity searching for answers. These teachings and concepts are simply well told distortions of the truth we are taught in the Holy Scriptures. The reason why Gnosticism is so dangerous.
Beloved, we will be uploading conceptual illustrations on this research in the near future. A PICTURE IS WORTH A 1000 WORDS. Illustrations dealing with the impossible coincidence that the researcher/author (myself) of Godtype, who claims to have decoded the patterns of human cognition 25 years ago, was impossibly hired to:
Help 3D engineer and build the virtual electrical design models for the Google PROTOTYPE data centers……
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